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Thursday, April 21, 2011

AdSense tools

If you are sending only train of the AdSense and find interested a quick way to profits seen all over the Internet drawn from, you may have different tools.

This software was for AdSense publishers to better understand which is passed as traffic through your site. Assistance in understanding keywords make more money, and where better numbers AdSense.

One of the best tools is AdSense gold (, with which you understand which map and really get formats more clicks, are useful or almost useless.

This program works through successive impressions and clicks on the editorial pages. Goes even so far as it provides the ability to see, what each visitor came.

It is a free tool called SynSense (, which rather is a tool to monitor AdSense. Is in the drawer and AdSense provides current statistics and place the cursor over the icon. It is very nice for those who love to learn how to make AdSense in every moment of the day.

Google provides statistical data in the CSV format on your website. So someone made a tool that automatically download these files and to extract more information from them. The name of this tool is CSV AdStats and is available from has a large number of functions, including the possibility of reports and graphs much statistical customize, export data into other formats. Is in French, but you can just the English language change.

Of course what instrument you these statistics as often only 15 minutes, attempting but the authors are aware of, and none of these tools is because of the problems with Google.

However, if you can see more content, timing and selection tool is a Firefox extension for this programme, which allows you to see statistics in the status bar.

As soon as the software knows the rules, that for the use of 15 minutes, 15 calls a minimum time between minutes and Google. Warning from Google AdSense for Firefox can be found at

There is also a program called Golden words, with the best keywords for your website to get. This is really useful and very easy to use. It's a price, but it will cost $ 49. 95, and you get from

As you can see, are developers more programs are designed to increase you in your quest for your AdSense earnings. But before I go on the search after you pointed out that Google has several features.

They offer some messages (although more limited) and feature channels "a great way to serve ads on your site is really, experienced in the most revenue."

New tools are on a daily basis and make sure that you invest time on your site, this is the real key to success with AdSense.

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