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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Click fraud

If you use AdWords or AdSense, a new practice in the underworld of computing called "Click fraud" must not have heard. But what is click fraud and how it?

AdSense uses both the payment mechanism, which is a certain amount of money for the Publisher (someone an AdSense banner on the page has) when a person clicks on the banner. Then the attempt of people click on click fraud map, so that they can earn more revenue.

There are people, the sites for the sole purpose con gain income through Google AdSense create. An incredible number of clicks reaches these users through a variety of methods, some difficult and complex and some simple and Basic.

One of the most complex is the so-called Hitbots. This is an automated program, by clicking the link the banner AdSense (there are some really click on the banner also) to emulate.

Google AdSense is no perfect protection and to the use of a protective mechanism, see almost no one, ironically, a Google search.

Other more primitive method is a lot to hire people in a poor country, click sitelinks. This means that these people think really all day and just click on the link, you can win a fortune. They come from poorer countries such as India and ready to do for only $0.50.

Of course, it is a problem with this arrangement. Once Google gets much clicks from a single address, it is at the address and the website, the AdSense banner was sent and misconduct can also get, claiming the cheats.

To avoid this, many people use many proxy server, click on. In most cases located on computers that have the Trojan in the world (although in the first place the United States of America). Even more difficult is that these clicks seems to happen in a team, so that these scams are very hard to find.

And I do not believe that this happens only occasionally. There are many illegal activities in this area.

In fact, there is so much that, if the search engine companies increase not your privacy with these programs such as AdSense, such criminal behaviour even more could harm.

Google has a very strict policy in terms of click fraud and brought an action against those who use these methods in the past. But while the search giant engine tries, to minimize, is the click fraud risk without a doubt, there is room for many improvements.

It is estimated that more than 20% of clicks, to get the AdSense only to money from the person who pays for the display were made. Some people believe that the number of fraudulent clicks twice as large.

There are more plans of click fraud, such as AdSense publishers, click other links (also known as "The rings by clicking on" spam or click on these links).

Although Google is supported click fraud belt, the phenomenon certainly to increase problems for advertisers, but despite this advertising of Google AdSense systems is even cheaper at the advertiser, in contrast to traditional advertising.

There are some protections against these plans and all advertisers must be intelligent enough to use them. Many advertisers would rather avoid online contains all together out of fear of click fraud.

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